Terms and Conditions

Peacemaker National Training Center

Member Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions govern membership at the Peacemaker National Training Center (“PNTC”). These membership terms and conditions (the “Membership Terms & Conditions,” or “Agreement”) are a contractual commitment made between IC Peacemaker LLC (“Peacemaker”), a Delaware limited liability company with executive offices at 210 S. De Lacey Ave., Pasadena, CA 91214, and the person registering for membership (“you” or the “Member”). By purchasing a PNTC membership, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. ALL PERSONS SUBSCRIBING TO PNTC Membership ARE URGED TO READ THESE MEMBERSHIP TERMS & CONDITIONS CAREFULLY.

  1. Description of PNTC Membership. Each Member is entitled to receive the benefits on specified Membership related services as described for the various levels of Membership.

Peacemaker National Training Center offers exclusive memberships granting access to our pristine ranges, alongside top-notch training facilities tailored for both government and commercial entities. By becoming a member, you will receive exclusive range access, discounts on shooting competitions, and retail shop discounts. 

Membership LevelCostBenefits
Independence and Shot Gun$240/Year, $20 billed monthlyExclusive access to Independence and Homeplace ranges 10% Discount at on-site Retail Store
Liberty Plus$360/Year, $30 billed monthlyExclusive access to Access to Independence, Homeplace, Liberty, and Starlight Ranges 10% Discount at on-site Retail Store
All Ranges– $540/Year, $45 billed monthlyExclusive access to Independence, Homeplace, Liberty, Starlight, Patriot, and Frontier Ranges 10% Discount at on-site Retail Store
Military/Veterans/Law Enforcement/EMS/Fire All Range Access*$480/Year, $40 billed monthlyExclusive access to Independence, Homeplace, Liberty, Starlight, Patriot, and Frontier Ranges 10% Discount at on-site Retail Store

* Requires proof of military status, law enforcement badge, medical provider certification or fire fighter credentials.

Membership does not give a Member a vested or prescriptive right or easement to use PNTC’s facilities. Membership does not provide the Member with equity or ownership of any property interest in PNTC or IC Peacemaker. A Member only acquires a limited revocable non-exclusive license to use PNTC facilities consistent with the terms this Agreement.

All benefits of Membership are subject to discontinuation, change, modification, improvement, or substitution without notice. PNTC makes no representations or warranties with respect to, and accepts no responsibility or liability for, out of date or erroneous information related thereof. The membership fee for PNTC Membership is non-refundable after payment is received except as prescribed by law.

2.    Membership Term and Renewals. Memberships will have an initial term of one year commencing on the date of purchase. Upon expiration, Membership will automatically renew for subsequent renewal terms of one year each until terminated by either party. Member may terminate by providing notice in writing to PNTC no less than 30 days prior to expiration of the initial or renewal term. Member may elect to terminate the Membership prior to expiration by providing written notice to PNTC. Upon early termination, all remaining months of the current Membership term will become immediately due for payment. PNTC may terminate Memberships at any time without penalty for any reason by providing written notice. Termination by PNTC will be effective immediately.

3.    Electronic Disclosure and Consent. Your submission of an electronic email address on the application shall constitute your consent to receive any and all disclosures, notices, and other communications, including any notice that may be legally required to be provided to you regarding this Agreement, in electronic form. PNTC will provide all future disclosures and notices by sending an alert to the electronic mail address that you have provided.

4.    Membership Fees. Memberships fee will be automatically billed to Member’s credit or debit card used to purchase the Membership on a monthly recurring basis. Any Member who uses a debit card as the designated credit card account acknowledges that PNTC will not be responsible for any fees or penalties associated with insufficient funds or any other form of fee due to a charge for Member accounts. Membership fees may be increased annually. If Membership is not terminated prior to renewal, Member will be charged the increased amount for the renewal term.

If payment cannot be processed on time, you agree to pay all amounts due on your Membership account upon demand. If you do not pay on time (including if any correct charge to your credit or debit card is not authorized), PNTC may suspend or terminate your Membership and pursue any available legal remedy to collect the amount owed by you. Charges will continue to be incurred until your membership is cancelled. PNTC may also charge a late fee equal to ten percent (10%) of any unpaid amount, plus interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) (or such lower rate that is permitted by law) from the date owing until paid.

5.    Waiver and Release. By accessing any benefit of Membership or entering any PNTC property, you agree to the following Waiver and Release:

Member acknowledges that the use of firearms, hunting, and/or clay target shooting have inherent risks, hazards, and dangers that cannot be eliminated, particularly in a wilderness environment. MEMBER UNDERSTANDS THAT THESE RISKS, HAZARDS, AND DANGERS INCLUDE WITHOUT LIMITATION:

A. The risk of handling firearms and being near others that have firearms in their possession;

B. The risk of ear damage from noise;

C. The risk of injury from ammunition, clay targets, and shot from other guns;

D. Walking in rugged country, including encounters with wildlife, animals, and insects; and

E. Inclement weather conditions.

For eye and ear protection, PNTC recommends that you use ear plugs and protective eyeglasses. If you do not, you are doing so at your own choice.

Member understands the risks, hazards, and dangers described above and has had the opportunity to discuss them with a representative of PNTC or IC Peacemaker LLC. Member understands that activities that may be scheduled or occur on IC Peacemaker LLC property may require good physical conditioning and a degree of skill and knowledge. Member represents that he or she has that good physical conditioning and the degree of skill and knowledge necessary for to engage in these activities safely. Member understands that he or she will have a responsibility to exercise a reasonable degree of care in all such activities. Member’s participation in any activity on IC Peacemaker LLC property is purely voluntary and of Member’s own free will. MEMBER VOLUNTARILY USES THE SERVICES AND/OR PROPERTY OF IC PEACEMAKER LLC WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE OF THE INHERENT RISKS, HAZARDS, AND DANGERS INVOLVED AND HEREBY ASSUME AND ACCEPT ANY AND ALL RISKS OF INJURY, PARALYSIS, DAMAGE, OR DEATH.

Member, for themself, their heirs, successors, executors, and subrogees, hereby KNOWINGLY AND INTENTIONALLY WAIVES AND RELEASES, INDEMNIFIES AND HOLDS HARMLESS IC PEACEMAKER LLC, its directors, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, liabilities, suits, expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) which are related to, arise out of, or are in any way connected with my participation in any activity on the property of IC Peacemaker LLC, including, but not limited to, NEGLIGENCE of any kind or nature, whether foreseen or unforeseen, arising directly or indirectly out of any damage, loss, injury, paralysis, or death to Member or Member’s property as a result of engaging in these activities or the use of these services, animals, or equipment, whether such damage, loss, injury, paralysis, or death results from negligence of IC Peacemaker LLC or from some other cause. Member, for themself, their heirs, successors, executors, and subrogees, further agrees not to sue IC Peacemaker LLC as a result of any damage, loss, injury, paralysis, or death suffered in connection with any use and participation in any activity on the property of IC Peacemaker LLC, specifically including any activity involving the use of firearms.

6.    Member Representation and Obligations. In return for the benefits of Membership, each Member acknowledges such Member’s obligations to PNTC as follows:

(a)   You have read these “Membership Terms & Conditions” carefully, and understand your obligations with respect to payment of the monthly Membership Fee;

(b)   You represent that at the time of purchase and at all times during your membership you are not a convicted felon, have not been adjudicated as mentally unstable or dangerous to others, are not under a restraining order for any form of violence and not a danger to yourself or others. You hereby affirm that you will immediately inform PNTC if your answer to these representations change in any way, for any amount of time.

(c)   You state, under penalty of perjury, that you are legally eligible to possess or rent a firearm and purchase ammunition.

(d)   You represent that you will not enter PNTC property under the influence of alcoholic beverages, medications, and other substances that might impair judgment and will not possess such substances on PNTC property.

(e)   You promise to be respectful of the PNTC’s property, and shall not steal, damage, or vandalize such property. If you damage any item of PNTC property, you agree that your account shall be billed for all damage and PNTC may cancel your Membership with no proration or refund of membership dues.

7.    No Assignment. The benefits of PNTC Membership are not assignable without the express written consent of PNTC and you will use your Membership only for personal, non-commercial use. You agree not to share any proprietary information supplied to you by PNTC including but not limited to coupon codes, discounts, incentives, and the like, to any third-party, individual, entity or institution. A violation of this provision will result in your forfeiture of PNTC Membership.

8.    Governing Law; Arbitration. This Agreement, and the respective rights and obligations of the parties hereunder, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of West Virginia. Any dispute arising between you and PNTC will be submitted to arbitration in the State of West Virginia in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect.


10.  PNTC Rules and Regulations. Member will at all times comply with rules and regulations issues by PNTC, which are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. PNTC may update, change, or rescind its rules and regulations in whole or in part at any time without warning, and such changes will have no effect on the continued validity of this Agreement. PNTC reserves the right to exclude any person from its property at any time for any reason, including Member.

11.  Entire Agreement. The foregoing Membership Terms & Conditions contain the entire terms and agreements in connection with PNTC Membership. If any of the foregoing terms or provisions shall be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining terms and provisions hereof shall not be affected thereby.

12.  Binding Effect. The foregoing Membership Terms & Conditions shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of PNTC and the Member as well as their respective successors and permitted assigns.

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