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Precision Rifle Level 2

This course will expound on information covered in Level 1, including ammo, optics, rifles, MILs, MOA, and yardage-based systems. Additionally, this course will begin to cover in depth wind reading techniques, shooting from field positions, and trueing the shooters data at long range. Students will receive the knowledge they need to begin making first round hits on small targets at ranges out to 1,000 yards.

Pre-requisite: Precision Rifle Level 1 or equivalent experience and/or training.

Required Equipment: Rifle, rifle case, 50, 100, or 200 yd Zero, Scope with exposed turrets for dialing, 50 rounds of the same ammunition the rifle was zeroed with, Bi-Pod or front shooting bag, rear shooting bag, hearing and eye protection, ballistic calculator app, and optional: range finder, spotting scope, Kestrel, chronograph, shooting mat.

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