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Precision Rifle Level 3

This advanced course will continue to build on the skills and techniques learned in level 1 and 2. Including advanced wind reading techniques, trueing of data at distances beyond 1,000 yards, Coriolis effect, and extreme angle shooting. This class will also delve into terminal performance of different cartridges and types of bullets used for long range hunting.

Pre-requisite: Precision Level 2 or equivalent experience and/or training.

Required Equipment: Rifle, rifle case, 50, 100, or 200 yd Zero, scope with exposed turrets for dialing, 50 rounds of ammunition (same that was used to zero), Bi-pod or front shooting bag, rear shooting bag, hearing and eye protection, ballistic calculator app, and option but handy: range finder, spotting scope, Kestrel, chronograph, shooting mat.

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